Monday, February 20, 2012

Draw Your Way To a Longer Life.

Who: Senior Citizens

What: Creativity On Aging and how being creative can keep seniors young minded.

Where: Senior Assistant Living Facilities and creative classes that have class that teach seniors painting and drawing, singing and music, knitting, writing, and other creative classes I may come across in my research. I know this is a excellent topic and believe very strongly in it since my grandfather and great-grandmother always light up when they sang songs from their childhood and knew all the lyrics to the songs but could not remember simple things from their everyday life. 

I chose to focus on senior citizens and the positive effects of creativity on aging. Creative especially helps people who have and are dealing with Alzheimer's and Dementia. I also know from attending senior communities that creative activities being seniors back to when they were younger and slow down their aging process. 

How am I going to cover this:  How?  My assignment will be going into several different nearby senior homes where I know people who head up several programs there and speak to several of the works and people who head up these creative classes and programs. I also want tot talk with a few seniors and get their opinions about how they enjoy doing creative things at their age and how creative activities keeps them happy, sharp, and living longer. There are many studies which state and give proof that creative activities do affect the brain waves in everybody but especially in seniors and keep them from not only remembering song lyrics but other things  in their everyday lives that they usually have forgotten. i am going to get first hand encounters from seniors who take part in creative programs and speak to the people who head up these programs as well and get information from other studies already published about this topic too. 

Why:  I believe strongly in creative activities because I love expressing myself in any way possible and I know that it keeps me young and happy. I've seen seniors become more engaged in life where they would ordinarily not be. This is a great topic that more people should be aware about because most of the baby boomer generation have elderly parents.